Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,
Utpal Junior is located at Satsam, Paro. It is a Junior High school with classes from PP to VIII. We have boarding facilities from class iii to viii. The school has excellent facilities that allow our students to dream big things. We believe in cultivating intelligence and nurturing individual potentials.
We support our students’ educational journey by fostering their development of “growth mindsets” rather than believing that talent or intelligence is fixed. We believe that regardless of their background, students can grow their talent and intelligence. All students can develop skills like perseverance, resourcefulness, responsibility, and empathy – qualities that matter wherever their personal journeys take them. We ultimately desire for students to develop into resourceful people who create meaningful lives for themselves and make a difference in the lives of others.
We coach students to become critical thinkers who produce quality work by doing their jobs each day, to actively participate in class, complete their work, and be kind to each other. We support students in gaining academic skills, up-to-date knowledge, healthy habits, and sound decision making. We want them to leave Utpal with skills, capacity, and creativity to lead fulfilling, productive lives and positively contribute to the community and the world in which they live.
While the academic programme is the central pillar of the school, we strongly encourage involvement in the many and varied extra-curricular activities the school has to offer. The skills learnt in the cultural and sporting spheres of the school are critical in the well rounded growth and maturity of all our students. They have a huge number of opportunities in sports as the school has unlimited facilities.
We believe that every child is a winner and we will strive to ensure that they realize their full potential. Utpal Junior facilities are superb, the management of the school is dynamic and creative, and the teachers are highly motivated.
We use 21st Transformative Teaching Pedagogy thus bringing something new and exciting to the teaching learning in the classroom. Hence our classrooms are student oriented, safe and engaging. Both the teachers and students learn from each other.
Utpal Junior family is looking forward to you and your child joining us soon.
Thank you.